Action: Iodine-based disinfectant.


Action: Iodine-based disinfectant.

Comp.: Iodine-povidone 10 g, Excipients q.s. 100 ml.

Ind.: It has bactericidal, fungicidal, virucidal and protozoocidal activity. Used in la poultry and dairy industries, cold-storage plants, surgical instruments and cattle farms.

Dosage: Disinfection of barns, floors, enclosures: 50 ml in 10 lt water. Disinfection of counters, tanks and troughs: 10 ml in 10 lt water. Disinfection of drinking water (internal use): 5 ml in 10 lt water. Disinfection of personnel’s hands, wounds in animals: 5 to 10 ml every 10 lt water. Disinfection of brooders, hatchers, etc.: 30 a 50 ml in 10 lt water. To prevent diffusion of infectious-contagious diseases 10 ml in 15 lt water. Pres.: 1 lt bottles. 5, 10 and 20 lt pouring cans.