Action: Metabolic regulator and normalizer.


Action: Metabolic regulator and normalizer.

Comp.: Cada 100 g It contains: Vitamin A 250.000 IU, D3 50.000 IU, E 75 IU, K3 250 mg, Thiamine HCL 250 mg, Riboflavin 125 mg, Vitamin B6 50 mg, B12 500 mcg, C 500 mg, Nicotinic Acid 750 mg, Pantothenic Acid 400 mg, Methionine 3,000 mg, Lysine 2,000 mg, Glucose 60 g Excipients q.s. 100 g

Ind.: In cases of intoxication, decrease in feed conversion, defficient vitaminic or energetic assimilation, recovery from diseases, etc.

Dosage: Oral: In poultry, calves, swine, ovines, goats and rabbits: in drinking water 1 to 2 g per lt. In feed 2 a 4 g por kg In individual takes at 2 a 4 g every 10 kg b.wt. Pres.: 1 and 5 kg drums. 20 kg bags.