Action: External antiparasitic – Insecticide.


Action: External antiparasitic – Insecticide.

Comp.: Cypermethrin 5 g, Formulation agents q.s. 100 ml.

Ind.: Control and elimination of instars of many pediculoses of: bovines, horses, ovines and swine. Against biting and bloodsucking Diptera.

Dosage: preventive or curative dose: bovines and equines: weight lesser than 400, 10 ml; 400 kg or heavier, 20 ml. Ovines and swine: less than 50 kg, 5 ml; 50 kg or heavier, 7 ml. Administer by pouring the product along the backbone line (between shoulder and tail base) on the animals to be treated. Pres.: 500 ml and 1 lt bottles. 5 lt pouring can.